Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hair Trauma

     It's been awhile since I've had a haircut... ahem September ahem. Whoops! I went to get it cut and colored a month ago but i went to a hair dressing school and it took the FOUR HOURS to COLOR my hair. FOUR HOURS!!!! They told me they didn't have time to cut it for me so i've been putting it off for even longer than I already had. So Wednesday afternoon I magically had use of a vehicle so i headed over to JC Penney to finally control the lion mane on top of my head. I had pretty long, wavy, hair and a LOT of it.

     I usually stress out a lot getting my hair cut because I have had an extreme number of bad hair cuts, but my hairdresser was super cute and she was really nice and easy to talk with. Everything was going great and i was happy until she started to style it. I had angles cut and she curled the front section into my face so it looked like it wasn't connected to the rest of my hair. I got home to restyle as you usually have to after a haircut and realized the reason it looked disconnected was because it was. I called up the salon and asked if I could come back. I had thought that it just wasn't blended but as the new hairdresser got into it she had to go in and reblend layers I hadn't noticed and got to the front, the original problem, and basically shook her head. The first hairdresser had managed to cut the middle of the angles shorter than the front. Now when my hair is down the longer part gets caught behind my shoulders so it looks like I have a mullet on one side of my head.... not cute. She cut at it a bit and as my anxiety grew she literally looked at me, threw up her hands, shook her head, and said come back and see me in six weeks. AKA I have a half mullet for SIX MORE WEEKS! How does someone so inexperienced that they can give someone a half mullet allowed to cut hair UNSUPERVISED. Also how is it ok to make me pay for a horrendous hair cut.

                                        I have the worst hair cut karma.

     So I will be sporting a ballerina bun for the next six weeks and hopefully it can be fixed. Honestly is it any wonder I wait so long in between haircuts??? Also is it just me or is it the most annoying thing when you have, what you think is a horrible haircut, and everyone around you keeps saying its not that bad, "no really it looks fine!", "you really can't tell", and the ultimate, "it's just hair, it's not that big of a deal". It's my head, I have to live with it, it is a huge deal and yes it does look "that bad".

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