Saturday, June 7, 2014

Candles, Candles, Everywhere!

Anyone else have a candle burning addiction? I love Bath & Body Works candles and with this love comes a huge amount of empty candle jars. I've been leaving them laying around thinking that there may be a use for them sometime, and low and behold there is!

I was on the hunt for some cute way to store my cotton ovals that I use to take my makeup off and then thought, why buy something when you can make it yourself? So I did!

You'll need an empty candle jar, lid, hot glue, and a adornment for the top

Step 1: Find the center of your candle lid and heat up the hot glue
Step 2: Glue center of the adornment, I used drawer handles from target, and immediately place it on to the middle of the lid

Step 3: Let the glue dry overnight, I made the mistake of thinking an hour would do and took managed to take the handle off again.

Now you have a super easy and cute jar to store whatever you'd like! I think this would be great for bracelets and necklaces too!

I also use empty candle jars to hold my makeup brushes, you can customize them with paint or glitter. Right now mine are boring with just some craft beads at the bottom to give the brushes something to stand in. I love easy, cute DIY's. Do you have any ideas on what I can do with the rest of my empty jars? I have a few!

            Also just as a little incentive to stay tuned, my mother just got back from a trip to South Africa and when she stopped over at Heathrow she picked me up some Soap and Glory goodies! I tried them tonight and there may be a review next Saturday!!

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