So i've realized lately that when it comes right down to it i HATE spending money. Now i'll drop $20, $30, $50 without really thinking about it but when it comes to something i've been lusting over for awhile and haven't been able to afford I hang on to the bills like my life depends on it. Saying that I have recently gotten my tax return and i want to get myself something nice as my birthday is coming up. Hence the blog title! I have been drooling of the Mini Mac And MAC clutch bags for about 2 years now and just always found something better to spend my money on. It's interesting how i will just go out and buy that new eyeshadow palate thats so gorgeous *cough, Lorac Pro, cough* but when it comes to this $195 (or $290 for the MAC clutch) bag i turn into the goblins at Gringotts Bank. Now yes, that is an extreme amount of money on a handbag but it's something that i would get SO much use out of and is a very classic bag that really wouldn't go out of style. HELP!! I just can't seem to enter my credit card information. Am i just teasing myself with pictures or do i actually not need it and is that why i can't purchase. Here are so pictures from the Rebecca Minkoff website of my obsession. For those who aren;t familiar with Rebecca Minkoff the initials stand for: Morning After Clutch. Which I think is hilarious and maybe 15% of the reason i'm in love with the bags.

The pink is the mini version for $195
And this beauty is the MAC clutch for $295
Does anyone else have this problem parting with money on items that could be well worth the price tag but throw it away on things that probably aren't worth it?
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